I’ve seen this neat map on several of my friends’ blogs, and since I can’t stand to be left out, I decided to make one too.
visited 23 states (46%)
Create your own visited map of The United States
Anyone care to hazard a guess which 2 states I have lived in?
And kind of related…
You really must watch this. It shows unemployment over time by COUNTY in the U.S.
Beautiful map! You've been to a bunch I've either never been to or barely been to.
I love seeing these. And if I posted a map for my kids, you could probably guess where I've lived… as for you, oh, I don't know… how about Alabama and North Carolina?
Debra at http://debrakb.blogspot.com/
Of course that's in my profile. I've lived most of my life in NC. (4 different cities.)
Alabama is not correct. It's one of the states I've only driven through. And I think I've only driven through it once that I recall.
A map of where my kids have been would narrow things down quite a bit.
your map looks much like mine, only you've made it a bit further west, but not quite as far north. 🙂
Oooh, off to do one of these right now! Fun!!