First, we started our version of the Sue Patrick Workbox system with my younger son. (7) I’m trying it out to review. I’m not completely overjoyed with the system, but there are definitely some advantages that I can see. It’s also only been one week and I need to put some more work into filling the boxes. I’m still undecided about adding my other children into the mix. I think it would be a great plan for my little one (almost 3) but I don’t know what to do about space. My older two may use a folder system, but I’m meeting with much resistance to the idea from my older son (11).
I have been working with my older son on being responsible for getting himself up in the mornings. He has had an alarm clock for a couple of years now but he forgets to use it. I have to stop what I’m doing and go up and wake him up, which is difficult to do and it always gets us both in a bad mood first thing in the morning. So I think that for both of our sakes, the alarm clock is the way to go. This week after waking him up on Monday and Tuesday, I decided NOT to wake him up on Wednesday. I resolved to let him deal with the natural consequences of sleeping late which would be having to finish his school work after lunch. (which he hates.) He did not get up until after 10. But, he somehow managed to finish everything before lunch anyway! I was happy that he worked so diligently, but a little miffed that my grand scheme failed. He did get up the next 2 days and was finished with his independent assigned work by 10:30.
It is a really good thing that he’s finishing his work so quickly, because next week we are finally starting Tapestry of Grace! So hopefully, I’ll have some good pictures and projects to share on the next weekly wrap-up.
The other exciting news is that my older daughter (9) had her first violin lesson. She is very excited and eager to practice.
Sounds like a productive week. I need to spend more time looking at the idea of workboxes…I keep hearing so much about it. It sounds pretty similar to what I already do, but I'm always looking for ways to tweak. Good luck on getting your son to get himself up! Mine usually get themselves out of bed, but most days they don't get themselves actually moving without a lot of "prompting" (nagging!) from me once they ARE up! So I feel your pain. They move VERY slowly many mornings! It's so frustrating.
Don't you hate it when you try to teach them a lesson "the hard way" and they still sail through?? Infuriating! 🙂 I have the opposite problem of you, my eldest is an early riser. He'd get up and do his schoolwork at 4AM if I let him and it meant he'd have all day free…ugh.
So funny about your oldest! I remember going through that. My oldest is 16 now, and I let him sleep until 10 most mornings. He definitely proved to me that he works best in afternoons, evenings, and nights!
LOL Don't you just hate when your kids ruin your grand plans to teach them a lesson? That's great that he got his work done so quickly, though.
We've got the workbox book to review, too, but we've been on vacation, so we haven't started yet. Like you, space is an issue, so I'm not quite sure how I'm going to handle it. Plus, we're getting ready to start our country study for our group's Around the World Day. The country study is something we typically work on as a family, so I'm not sure how that's going to work out with the workboxes.
Getting them up and at 'em is always a challenge. I am working on that with my kids also. Violin is a wonderful experience. Is the teacher a Suzuki method teacher? i was skeptical about it, but after 2 years, I see my oldest learning her note reading. Thanks for sharing!
lol I learned long ago that just because some people perform better easrlier; does not mean everyone does. I even have one child who learns some things better early and retains better at night on others. So that is what we do. At 11 he shoukld be getting ready to do more independent work anyhow, so let him sleep in. His body knows what it needs. Leena
I've tweaked the workbox "system" so much it has morphed into an entirely new thing.
Anyway, I use a plastic folder, similar to this : http://www.staples.com/Staples-Poly-Colors-Expanding-Files-Blue-Letter-Each/product_498249?cmArea=SC1:CG15:DP1458:CL141235:SS998607
I just clip on the work needed to be done. If I need to help, I'll write "with mom". I don't schedule "fun" things and I don't schedule breaks. She is more than able to know when she needs a break. I don't do the big numbers, the signing in and signing out, or any of the workbox "frills". It honestly just sounds like "more work".
Basically, we just have a workfolder.
How exciting about the violin. I hope she enjoys it. Eager to practice is a very good thing and start! i am very happy with my son`s progress.