General Homeschool


We have been using Rod and Staff’s English Grammar textbooks for 3 years now and I really like them.  They are thorough, well-organized, with good explanations.  There are more exercises than I feel are really necessary for my children, but I have solved this by not assigning every question in each set.  Doing this took about …

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I finally figured out at least one way to post my schedules here.  I converted my spreadsheets to images and then post just like pictures.  This is our MWF schedule. Our Tuesday/Thursday schedule. This is our chore list. It tells us what to do when our schedule says morning chores, etc. I ran across a …

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I have finally come up with a schedule that we can give a shot for school in the fall.  There are still a few blank spaces but I think we’ll just have to try it to see where the problem areas are.  I’m trying to figure out how to post it using google docs. If …

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