General Homeschool

Math Practice

I’m planning on having my son work one addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problem daily just to to make sure that he remembers the methods. We’ve fought and fought over him doing most of his math in his head. It might not be so much of a problem if he got all the problems correct. …

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Fort Dobbs

Today we went on our first official field trip of the school year. This year we’re going on a monthly field trip with several other local homeschool families. We don’t call it a co-op because all we do are field trips, but in a way it is one of the simplest types of homeschool co-ops …

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Field Trips

One of the great advantages of homeschooling is the opportunity for field trips. We take many of our field trips when dad can come so they’re not actually during school hours, but they’re our field trips nonetheless. There are so many ways that field trips can aid in our children’s learning. Field Trips – Can …

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To Do Tuesday

I did much better this week! Here’s last week’s list with everything I did checked off. Now for this week:   Complete school planning for new year. I checked this, but it really shouldn’t say for the YEAR. We’ve started school and I have some planning to do as we go along. Organize new bookshelf …

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To Do Tuesday

This week I am going to post first a nicely checked list of the things that I can check off my list from last week. Then, I am posting a list of what I actually intend to get done this week. What I’ve finished: Purchase new book shelf. Complete chore plan for upcoming year. Write …

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To-do Tuesday

I have NOT made good progress on my list this week. I got some of my items finished, but some of them took a little more time than they should have. Clean out fishpond and stock with new fish. Can you tell, I REALLY don’t want to do this one? Finish weeding all the flower …

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Homeschool Co-ops

What is a co-op exactly? Co-op is short for cooperative. I looked up cooperative on and found the following useful definitition. A jointly owned enterprise engaging in the production or distribution of goods or the supplying of services, operated by its members for their mutual benefit, typically organized by consumers or farmers. So, for …

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