Photo Published

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Yesterday morning while I was getting ready for church, my husband came running into the room with the newspaper. Our local paper had asked for amateur photos taken in the Smokies, so I decided to send in a few. They actually printed one of mine! (And they only printed 6.)Though not a major paper by any stretch, it is a daily paper that serves a city of about 250,000 plus surrounding area.

  An old church in the Cataloochee section of the Smokies

I have a little secret about this photo that I’ll share with you. My husband and youngest daughter were actually in the original shot. They weren’t posing, but getting ready to walk in the front door. My son actually edited them out. (I would say photoshopped, but since we don’t actually have PhotoShop, that would be misleading…) I have been struggling to find ways to connect with my oldest son, and honestly, the last year or so has been very trying. I think I may have found at least one way for us to spend some pleasant time together.

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10 thoughts on “Photo Published”

  1. Congrats on finding a connecting point! Great shot and great editing. you'd never know there were people just outside the lines:)

  2. Congratulations, Kristen – Both on the picture and on finding a way to connect with your son!

    Bekah H.

  3. ReviewsbyHeidi

    That is a beautiful picture – I can see why they chose it. Is it an old schoolhouse? I was thinking that a picture of it from the front would make a great TOS cover!

  4. What a beautiful church! I love the richness of the colors. And, try as I might, I can't see where your son edited the picture. Nicely done!

  5. AWESOME!!! I'm so happy for you!! Next thing you know, you'll be on the cover of some fancy shmancy magazine!!! 😉 Congrats!!

  6. I'm so excited for you! Your picture is really beautiful, and it's so much fun being "published," isn't it? I hope you and your son can continue working together and getting great results!

  7. I love photos, and especially of buildings. The church is simple, but BEAUTIFUL! Keep on taking more photos!! 🙂

    Jessica S.

    A Mother of Action

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