Alphabet Alley is a company devoted to preschool toys with a Bible theme. I received 2 different games to review.The first is the Noah’s Ark Go Fish game. The game is the old classic game of Go Fish except that there are 10 different things from Noah’s Ark to "go fish for". The illustrations include Noah, the Ark, and different animals, including doves, elephants, and giraffes. I absolutely love the illustrations. They are very colorful and cute simple cartoon-style drawings. The cards themselves are larger than typical playing cards and are thick and coated. They promise to be very durable.

I also received the Two by Two Matching game. Like the Go Fish game, it is just the classic memory or concentration game. But once again, the illustrations are adorable. The cards are also coated and THICK. They are much higher quality than the classic Memory game cards that we have. Another thing that is nice about this game is there are only 12 pairs. Twenty-four cards are plenty for a young player and there are not as many to clean up. (Big cheer!) If there are too many cards then it takes much longer to begin to find matches and a young child’s interest can be lost before the game really gets started.