We have concluded our Civil War study. The kids will be assembling their lapbooks on Friday. I’ll try to post pictures soon. I have been looking at lots of other lapbooks on blogs and there are some really super ones out there. It is very inspiring. I have noticed that a lot of people who make lapbooks are using unit studies and we’re not. The concept is intriguing. I can’t quite wrap my brain around it completely though. I do know that something has got to change, The kids just can’t learn all the material I’m trying to cram in. I never wanted to be a school-at-home sort of family and though we don’t have a school room with desks, etc. I think our school has turned very much into school-at-home. We have x number of subjects that we have to get through and they aren’t connected. Not that there’s anything wrong with school at home, I just think that we’re missing so many opportunities to really enjoy learning and dig deeper into topics of interest. Well, enough of my rambling for now.