It’s been a while since I’ve done a Weekly Wrap Up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. This week was not an ordinary week, but I’m beginning to realize that ordinary weeks don’t really exist. (I know it’s amazing that it has taken me this long to realize that!) Since I have failed to write a wrap-up for a little while, I’m going to have to include some stuff from the last couple of weeks because some of those events are too important to pass up.
First, on October 14, my baby turned 3! I don’t know where the time has gone.
Then, last Friday I went to a football game with some of my high school classmates. It was our 20 year reunion weekend. I should mention that I am certainly not that old. I was a child prodigy you know. And I should also mention that I took a Facebook quiz that said I look 24. It must be true, right?
Over the weekend, we visited my parents. On Saturday we went to the Apple Festival in Waynesville, NC on the absolute coldest day in October. They told me they usually get hot. We didn’t have to worry about that! I got to show my kids what clogging is when we watched these cloggers perform.
This wasn’t the peppiest clogging team I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure if it was their age, the cold, or the wet pavement that made them a little less than spectacular. But at least my kids now have a general idea what clogging is.
On our way home, our van’s transmission decided that it had seen better days. (I really must give the poor thing credit. It’s a 1996 Chrysler with 175,000 miles on it. Unless the transmission had been replaced before we bought it at 75,000 miles, it made it that long without failing. That’s pretty amazing. It definitely made it 100,000 miles.) We had to pull over on the side of the interstate. We very thankfully were able to get the van started back and limp the remaining 30 miles or so home.
The kids spent most of Monday afternoon finishing their preparations for book club on Tuesday. Even though I was without transportation, I divided the kids and we rode with 2 different families to the meeting. It’s nice to have helpful friends. This month’s topic was careers. My older son presented on graphic artists. My daughter shared about the steps in writing a book.
After book club, my father-in-law came over to babysit and loan me his car so I could take my daughter to her violin lessons. She is really enjoying the lessons, and I think she is doing well. I’m happy that we finally just decided to just do it!
We were able to get our van fixed and picked up in time for me to take the kids to Kids4Truth on Thursday afternoon. This is a kid’s program that our church is using. It is kind of like AWANA minus the games. The kids memorize the answers to catechism questions as well as accompanying scripture. They are able to earn badges. My kids really like it. It is so sweet to hear my littlest one reciting her memory work!
We also finished up some projects yesterday. We listened to the last 2 chapters of our King Arthur book for Tapestry of Grace Year 2. We also put all the reptiles and amphibians on our world map for Zoology 3. I really love our map project. It’s going to be entirely covered with animals before we finish.
This afternoon I decided to get a head start on next week, so I checked all of this week’s work and did next week’s planning while the kids watched a movie. Now I’ve got time to focus on some writing projects this weekend.
A nice bonus is that my husband just found out he gets to administer the ACT tomorrow. That’s $120 he wasn’t going to earn before, so I am praising God for his provision. We certainly need it. New transmissions don’t come cheap. They are cheaper than new vans though!
Happy Birthday to your little girl! She's adoraable! Sounds like you had a great couple of weeks (minus the poor old car). My 6 year old was fascinated by your map. I think I might have one in my future. 🙂
Oh, I have to show my DD the map! We're doing the Zoology 3 this year around Crew stuff but have not started the map. She would really love it I think, especially if we hang it up in her bedroom. Hmmm…
You've definitely had some fun–except for the van problem. So sorry! That is good news about your husband getting to help administer the test tomorrow. When I was a grad student I've administered quite a few of those academic tests more times than I can count! It was always a nice little side income. Brings back memories. 🙂
Happy Birthday to your daughter! How exciting, she looks thrilled with her gifts 🙂
I'm also glad you got your van fixed in time, she has served you well and deserves a pat on the back haha! We just got rid of a van similar in age and miles.
Looks like it has been fun for your family. Happy late birthday to your littlest! I hope you get the van taken care of and it doesn't break the bank for you!
How true that there are no "ordinary weeks." We rarely ever have one.
The book club sounds fun-my youngest would love that.
Happy Birthday to your little girl-she is a darling.
~Rhonda at Living Water Christian Academy
I'm glad you were able to make it home safe and sound and that it can be fixed. I am constantly amazed by God's provision.
Sounds like things are moving along. My boys have always enjoyed that toy when they were a bit younger. It is a great tool. Glad to know the violin is going well.
Well happy birthday to your precious girl!
It was my 20 year this year too and I AM that old. LOL And I used to be a clogger. But not at my age. It would give me a headache. LOL
It looks like a great week, "normal" or not. We never seem to hit normal
How true that there's no such thing as a typical week! At least I've been finding that to be true for us! I love your map project. We're starting something like that, but I like how yours looks better. We may need to revise. =) Good luck with the van!
Happy Birthday to your baby! I haven't seen any cloggers in forever. I used to love to watch them.
You are so pretty! You have that elegant Amy Grant/Andie McDowell look! Lucky you!