One of the great advantages of homeschooling is the opportunity for field trips. We take many of our field trips when dad can come so they’re not actually during school hours, but they’re our field trips nonetheless. There are so many ways that field trips can aid in our children’s learning.
Field Trips –
- Can be coordinated with what you’re currently studying at home. (Like going to visit a Civil War Battlesight during your study of the Civil War).
- Can serve as a review for things your have already studied. (Remember when we studied reptiles, last year honey?)
- Can serve to introduce future topics. (We’re going to be learning about the Revolutionary War next month.)
- Can have no relation to past, current, or planned future studies, but can spark an interest in a new subject or be just plain FUN.
The following list contains a wide variety of ideas. Some of the ideas would be free, while others would charge a fee. Some you could do with just your family, others might require a larger group. Some give frequent tours while others may have never been asked to be toured before.
- Museums
- Science museums – The Association of Science and Technology CentersĀ (ASTC) listing of member museums. These museums usually offer free or reduced prices if you are a member of another affiliated museum.
- Children’s museums – Check The Association of Children’s Museums to help locate a museum near you.
- Art museums
- History museums
- Zoos and aquariums – The Association of Zoos and Aquariums provides a listing of their members.
- Historic Places – Here is the list of National Historic Landmarks by state, as well as the link to the National Register of Historic Places website.
- Fire Station
- Police Station
- City Hall and the Courthouse
- State capitol building
- Hospital
- Library tour
- Newspaper
- Television or radio stations
- Plays
- Musical Concerts
- Ballet
- Bakery
- Grocery Store
- Factory
- Farm
- Corn Maze
- Orchard
- Computer store
- Petting Zoo
- Airport

- Ride a train
You are so right, the ideas for field trips are limitless. Last year we went on one to the water treatment plant. Interesting stuff. You don't usually think about all those goes into the water coming out of the tap. We also enjoyed an excellent field trip to Costco.
Thanks for sharing your list. Now I need to actually do something with the knowledge. I know all these great places exist, I just need to get going and schedule some.
I love your blog! Thanks also for the comment on mine! I'd like to subscribe by email… do you have that option?
Deana (www.thefrugalhomeschoolingmom.blogspot.com)
We love field trips too. I hope we will get to do more of them this year.
Your blog showed up in my homeschool toolbar to visit. We are always looking for more ideas for field trips. I started recognizing the lighthouse, then SciWorks (isn't that the science museum pic?), the mountains and wait!! is that Mrs Hanes moravian cookie shop…or Old Salem?? I had to scroll up and be sure, but yes you are in NC!! I grew up there and just moved to FL four years ago. NC is an awesome state to homeschool in!!!
Adena @ FriendshipAlley.com