This school-year, I switched the chores around a little, trying to make a person responsible for cleaning the whole room. At first it didn’t go over that well, but I think the kids are finally getting used to the different chores.

KPH is me, DWH, is 11 year old son, AKH is 9 year old daughter, WJH is 7 year old son, and EGH is almost 3 year old daughter.I also should mention that we have 3-1/2 bathrooms with notations of MBR for Master bath, K Bath for kids’ bath, H bath for Half-bath, and PR bath for Playroom bath (in the basement).
Hope this helps someone plan their own chores. Chore charts definitely Work for Me!
I love organization!!!! Great job!
Is your chore chart posted or saved someplace so unorganized people like me can make a copy? lol
Hi ! I love this chart ! This is just what we need
Do you have a download link for a blank or printable version?