I have been reading about all the money people can save by shopping at CVS, using the Extra Bucks that they receive for buying specific items. I had tried shopping there last year with what seemed like decent savings, but I wound up spending all my EB around Christmas on stuff that didn’t give me any more bucks. With no bucks to spend, I got out of the habit of going to CVS.
Last week they had some savings that enticed me to give it another shot. But this time, I’m going to keep a record of my spending and compare it to buying the same items at Super Wal-mart. (An added bonus is it gives me an excuse to use EXCEL. I’m always looking for those!)
Here are MY RULES for shopping at CVS.
1. I will only buy something that I would have to purchase anyway. (If I spend money on something I don’t need just because it’s a "great deal", then I’m not saving money.)
2. I will, whenever possible, use a manufacturer’s coupon in addition to CVS Extra Bucks.
3. I will buy only items that pay back with EB.
So here’s the spreadsheet for last week. I could have spent less money if I had gone in and out of the store multiple times using the EB that I earned on some of the purchases. But, I wanted a stash of EB to get started. Plus, it was a quick stop with husband and kids waiting in the van outside.

Last week I could have spent $0.11 less if I had shopped at Wal-mart. (One note, I’m not sure how CVS charged my sales tax. I just charged myself the imaginary sales tax at Wal-mart on the items after manufacturer’s coupons. I’m not sure if that’s correct though.) But, if I had bought everything at Wal-mart, I would not have $17 in EB to spend at CVS this week! It’s sort of slim pickings at CVS for me this week (following the rules above anyway.) My EB don’t expire until July 7, so if I don’t spend them all this week, I can save some for the future.